Inovação Conforto
Manitou Inovação Conforto
Conforto Fácil de usar Desempenho Rentabilidade / TCO.

Manitou 3 speeds

Manitou adds a third speed (up to 30 km/h) while keeping the two original speeds.

Desafio do cliente

Small wheel loaders are used in confined spaces, where the first gear (8 km/h) is used for precision. When driving on a construction site, the second gear (20 km/h) is applied. As the distance traveled increases and road travel becomes more and more of a demand, a higher travel speed is required.

By keeping the first speed at 8 km/h, the second speed at 20 km/h and adding another speed at 30 km/h, the operator always has the right choice for his application. The first speed is used for precision or pushing power, while the second speed is ideal for moving around the farm or between buildings. The additional third speed (up to 30 km/h) is used for road travel or longer distances.