Manitou Cold planer with side shift

Manitou Cold planer with side shift

Acessórios diversos

  • Manual side shift for milling flush to the wall easily.
  • Manual depth adjustment with independent left or right side movement in order to perform side-by-side passes with high precision but also to remove only the necessary layer of asphalt.
  • 2 wheels on the frame and 2 front slides for stability and less vibrations.
  • Asphalt teeth in standard. 
  • Easy tooth removal for easy maintenance.
  •  [The 3D picture at the top of this page is the reference PLC 400 SK - 52832870]
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PLC 400 SK
Peso 505 kg

PLC 400 SK

Peso 505 kg

Peso e dimensões

PLC 400 SK
Altura total 830 mm
Comprimento total 1098 mm
Largura 1500 mm

PLC 400 SK

Altura total 830 mm
Comprimento total 1098 mm
Largura 1500 mm

Parâmetros de trabalho

PLC 400 SK
Equipamento da máquina Linha hidráulica, Tubagem de retorno ao depósito do óleo hidráulico
Depth adjustment manual
Maximum depth 125 mm
Side shift Sim
Side shift type manual
Maximum outreach side shift 600 mm
Working width 400 mm
Tooth 48
Minimum hydraulic requirements 45 l/min
Maximum hydraulic requirements 80 l/min
Water sprayer Não

PLC 400 SK

Equipamento da máquina Linha hidráulica, Tubagem de retorno ao depósito do óleo hidráulico
Depth adjustment manual
Maximum depth 125 mm
Side shift Sim
Side shift type manual
Maximum outreach side shift 600 mm
Working width 400 mm
Tooth 48
Minimum hydraulic requirements 45 l/min
Maximum hydraulic requirements 80 l/min
Water sprayer Não

Outros dados para os acessórios

PLC 400 SK
Connection system Universal Quick-attach

PLC 400 SK

Connection system Universal Quick-attach