Manitou Agricultural Multifunction Grab Bucket - FO

Manitou Agricultural Multifunction Grab Bucket - FO


  • Forged teeth -FO.
  • Handling materials with a density ≤ 1000 kg/m³ / 62 lb/ft³.
  • Dismountable sides, spill guard and 500 HB bolt-on cutting edge standard.
  • Reinforced structure (base, blade and grab).
  • Nitritized cylinders, all pins with "construction type" mounting.

[The 3D picture at the top of this page is the reference BG 2450 / 1700 FO - 52549810].

  • Robust and versatile bucket suitable for diary use and different AG applications.
  • Complete opening >90° and powerful jaw allows working flush with walls.
  • Perfect for handling wet manure, silage…
  • Must-have tool for livestock farm.
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Technical characteristics

BG 1500 / 850 FO BG 1850 / 1050 FO BG 2100 / 1200 FO BG 2300 / 1350 FO BG 2450 / 1400 FO
Distance to center of gravity 17 in 17 in 16 in 16 in 16 in

BG 1500 / 850 FO

Distance to center of gravity 17 in

BG 1850 / 1050 FO

Distance to center of gravity 17 in

BG 2100 / 1200 FO

Distance to center of gravity 16 in

BG 2300 / 1350 FO

Distance to center of gravity 16 in

BG 2450 / 1400 FO

Distance to center of gravity 16 in


BG 1500 / 850 FO BG 1850 / 1050 FO BG 2100 / 1200 FO BG 2300 / 1350 FO BG 2450 / 1400 FO BG 2450 / 1700 FO
Capacity 1874 lb 2335 lb 2646 lb 2943 lb 3144 lb 3737 lb
Heaped capacity 225 US gal 280 US gal 317 US gal 353 US gal 377 US gal 448 US gal
Struck capacity 138 US gal 172 US gal 195 US gal 215 US gal 229 US gal 304 US gal

BG 1500 / 850 FO

Capacity 1874 lb
Heaped capacity 225 US gal
Struck capacity 138 US gal

BG 1850 / 1050 FO

Capacity 2335 lb
Heaped capacity 280 US gal
Struck capacity 172 US gal

BG 2100 / 1200 FO

Capacity 2646 lb
Heaped capacity 317 US gal
Struck capacity 195 US gal

BG 2300 / 1350 FO

Capacity 2943 lb
Heaped capacity 353 US gal
Struck capacity 215 US gal

BG 2450 / 1400 FO

Capacity 3144 lb
Heaped capacity 377 US gal
Struck capacity 229 US gal

BG 2450 / 1700 FO

Capacity 3737 lb
Heaped capacity 448 US gal
Struck capacity 304 US gal


BG 1500 / 850 FO BG 1850 / 1050 FO BG 2100 / 1200 FO BG 2300 / 1350 FO BG 2450 / 1400 FO BG 2450 / 1700 FO
Overall weight 1235 lb 1402 lb 1587 lb 1682 lb 1770 lb 1918 lb

BG 1500 / 850 FO

Overall weight 1235 lb

BG 1850 / 1050 FO

Overall weight 1402 lb

BG 2100 / 1200 FO

Overall weight 1587 lb

BG 2300 / 1350 FO

Overall weight 1682 lb

BG 2450 / 1400 FO

Overall weight 1770 lb

BG 2450 / 1700 FO

Overall weight 1918 lb

Weight and dimensions

BG 1500 / 850 FO BG 1850 / 1050 FO BG 2100 / 1200 FO BG 2300 / 1350 FO BG 2450 / 1400 FO BG 2450 / 1700 FO
Overall length 49 in 50 in 49 in 49 in 49 in 54 in
Width 59 in 73 in 83 in 91 in 96 in 96 in
Closed grapple height 41 in 41 in 41 in 41 in 41 in 44 in
Opened grapple height 66 in 66 in 66 in 66 in 66 in 74 in

BG 1500 / 850 FO

Overall length 49 in
Width 59 in
Closed grapple height 41 in
Opened grapple height 66 in

BG 1850 / 1050 FO

Overall length 50 in
Width 73 in
Closed grapple height 41 in
Opened grapple height 66 in

BG 2100 / 1200 FO

Overall length 49 in
Width 83 in
Closed grapple height 41 in
Opened grapple height 66 in

BG 2300 / 1350 FO

Overall length 49 in
Width 91 in
Closed grapple height 41 in
Opened grapple height 66 in

BG 2450 / 1400 FO

Overall length 49 in
Width 96 in
Closed grapple height 41 in
Opened grapple height 66 in

BG 2450 / 1700 FO

Overall length 54 in
Width 96 in
Closed grapple height 44 in
Opened grapple height 74 in

Working Parameters

BG 1500 / 850 FO BG 1850 / 1050 FO BG 2100 / 1200 FO BG 2300 / 1350 FO BG 2450 / 1400 FO BG 2450 / 1700 FO
Machine Equipment Hydraulic line Hydraulic line Hydraulic line Hydraulic line Hydraulic line Hydraulic line
Teeth 6 7 8 9 10 11
Fork spread minimum 10 in 10 in 10 in 10 in 10 in 9 in
Fork spread maximum 10 in 10 in 10 in 10 in 10 in 9 in

BG 1500 / 850 FO

Machine Equipment Hydraulic line
Teeth 6
Fork spread minimum 10 in
Fork spread maximum 10 in

BG 1850 / 1050 FO

Machine Equipment Hydraulic line
Teeth 7
Fork spread minimum 10 in
Fork spread maximum 10 in

BG 2100 / 1200 FO

Machine Equipment Hydraulic line
Teeth 8
Fork spread minimum 10 in
Fork spread maximum 10 in

BG 2300 / 1350 FO

Machine Equipment Hydraulic line
Teeth 9
Fork spread minimum 10 in
Fork spread maximum 10 in

BG 2450 / 1400 FO

Machine Equipment Hydraulic line
Teeth 10
Fork spread minimum 10 in
Fork spread maximum 10 in

BG 2450 / 1700 FO

Machine Equipment Hydraulic line
Teeth 11
Fork spread minimum 9 in
Fork spread maximum 9 in

Other Data for Attachments

BG 1500 / 850 FO BG 1850 / 1050 FO BG 2100 / 1200 FO BG 2300 / 1350 FO BG 2450 / 1400 FO BG 2450 / 1700 FO
Bolted wearplate (LDR) Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
Wear plate hardness 500 500 500 500 500 500

BG 1500 / 850 FO

Bolted wearplate (LDR) Standard
Wear plate hardness 500

BG 1850 / 1050 FO

Bolted wearplate (LDR) Standard
Wear plate hardness 500

BG 2100 / 1200 FO

Bolted wearplate (LDR) Standard
Wear plate hardness 500

BG 2300 / 1350 FO

Bolted wearplate (LDR) Standard
Wear plate hardness 500

BG 2450 / 1400 FO

Bolted wearplate (LDR) Standard
Wear plate hardness 500

BG 2450 / 1700 FO

Bolted wearplate (LDR) Standard
Wear plate hardness 500