
Manitou Construction Bucket


  • Wide range of bucket capacities from 500 L / 18 ft³ to 1500 L / 53 ft³ / 18 ft³.
  • Construction bucket suitable for handling materials with a density ≤ 2100 kg/m³ / 131 lb/ft³.
  • Bucket equipped with interchangeable teeth for better longevity.
  • Bucket to be used on machines equipped with an integrated side shift carriage ("TSDL").
  • Durable bucket designed for an intensive use: digging, soil or rubble handling applications.
  • Specially created for building site and earthwork.
  • Very rigid structure that ensures excellent bucket longevity.
  • Bucket fitted with teeth made for an easy and powerful penetration on earth.
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Technical characteristics

CBC 500L / 1500 CBC 650L / 1850 CBC 700L / 1950 CBC 750L / 2100 CBC 800L / 2250 CBC 900L / 2450 CBC 1000L / 2500 CBC 1500L / 2500
Distance to center of gravity 360 mm 360 mm 360 mm 360 mm 355 mm 365 mm 377 mm 373 mm

CBC 500L / 1500

Distance to center of gravity 360 mm

CBC 650L / 1850

Distance to center of gravity 360 mm

CBC 700L / 1950

Distance to center of gravity 360 mm

CBC 750L / 2100

Distance to center of gravity 360 mm

CBC 800L / 2250

Distance to center of gravity 355 mm

CBC 900L / 2450

Distance to center of gravity 365 mm

CBC 1000L / 2500

Distance to center of gravity 377 mm

CBC 1500L / 2500

Distance to center of gravity 373 mm


CBC 500L / 1500 CBC 650L / 1850 CBC 700L / 1950 CBC 750L / 2100 CBC 800L / 2250 CBC 900L / 2450 CBC 1000L / 2500 CBC 1500L / 2500
Capacity 1090 kg 1419 kg 1461 kg 1613 kg 1709 kg 1875 kg 2100 kg 3150 kg
Heaped capacity 519 l 676 l 696 l 768 l 814 l 893 l 1000 l 1500 l
Struck capacity 435 l 541 l 574 l 616 l 666 l 728 l 760 l 1159 l

CBC 500L / 1500

Capacity 1090 kg
Heaped capacity 519 l
Struck capacity 435 l

CBC 650L / 1850

Capacity 1419 kg
Heaped capacity 676 l
Struck capacity 541 l

CBC 700L / 1950

Capacity 1461 kg
Heaped capacity 696 l
Struck capacity 574 l

CBC 750L / 2100

Capacity 1613 kg
Heaped capacity 768 l
Struck capacity 616 l

CBC 800L / 2250

Capacity 1709 kg
Heaped capacity 814 l
Struck capacity 666 l

CBC 900L / 2450

Capacity 1875 kg
Heaped capacity 893 l
Struck capacity 728 l

CBC 1000L / 2500

Capacity 2100 kg
Heaped capacity 1000 l
Struck capacity 760 l

CBC 1500L / 2500

Capacity 3150 kg
Heaped capacity 1500 l
Struck capacity 1159 l


CBC 500L / 1500 CBC 650L / 1850 CBC 700L / 1950 CBC 750L / 2100 CBC 800L / 2250 CBC 900L / 2450 CBC 1000L / 2500 CBC 1500L / 2500
Overall weight 280 kg 320 kg 330 kg 345 kg 366 kg 391 kg 693 kg 669 kg

CBC 500L / 1500

Overall weight 280 kg

CBC 650L / 1850

Overall weight 320 kg

CBC 700L / 1950

Overall weight 330 kg

CBC 750L / 2100

Overall weight 345 kg

CBC 800L / 2250

Overall weight 366 kg

CBC 900L / 2450

Overall weight 391 kg

CBC 1000L / 2500

Overall weight 693 kg

CBC 1500L / 2500

Overall weight 669 kg

Weight and dimensions

CBC 500L / 1500 CBC 650L / 1850 CBC 700L / 1950 CBC 750L / 2100 CBC 800L / 2250 CBC 900L / 2450 CBC 1000L / 2500 CBC 1500L / 2500
Overall height 810 mm 810 mm 810 mm 810 mm 810 mm 810 mm 805 mm 957 mm
Overall length 1048 mm 1048 mm 1048 mm 1048 mm 1026 mm 1026 mm 1001 mm 1201 mm
Width 1500 mm 1850 mm 1950 mm 2100 mm 2250 mm 2450 mm 2500 mm 2500 mm

CBC 500L / 1500

Overall height 810 mm
Overall length 1048 mm
Width 1500 mm

CBC 650L / 1850

Overall height 810 mm
Overall length 1048 mm
Width 1850 mm

CBC 700L / 1950

Overall height 810 mm
Overall length 1048 mm
Width 1950 mm

CBC 750L / 2100

Overall height 810 mm
Overall length 1048 mm
Width 2100 mm

CBC 800L / 2250

Overall height 810 mm
Overall length 1026 mm
Width 2250 mm

CBC 900L / 2450

Overall height 810 mm
Overall length 1026 mm
Width 2450 mm

CBC 1000L / 2500

Overall height 805 mm
Overall length 1001 mm
Width 2500 mm

CBC 1500L / 2500

Overall height 957 mm
Overall length 1201 mm
Width 2500 mm

Working Parameters

CBC 500L / 1500 CBC 650L / 1850 CBC 700L / 1950 CBC 750L / 2100 CBC 800L / 2250 CBC 900L / 2450 CBC 1000L / 2500 CBC 1500L / 2500
Machine Equipment No predisposition required No predisposition required No predisposition required No predisposition required No predisposition required No predisposition required No predisposition required No predisposition required
Teeth 4 6 6 6 6 8 8 8
Fork spread minimum 290 mm 257 mm 271 mm 293 mm 314 mm 266 mm 266 mm 266 mm

CBC 500L / 1500

Machine Equipment No predisposition required
Teeth 4
Fork spread minimum 290 mm

CBC 650L / 1850

Machine Equipment No predisposition required
Teeth 6
Fork spread minimum 257 mm

CBC 700L / 1950

Machine Equipment No predisposition required
Teeth 6
Fork spread minimum 271 mm

CBC 750L / 2100

Machine Equipment No predisposition required
Teeth 6
Fork spread minimum 293 mm

CBC 800L / 2250

Machine Equipment No predisposition required
Teeth 6
Fork spread minimum 314 mm

CBC 900L / 2450

Machine Equipment No predisposition required
Teeth 8
Fork spread minimum 266 mm

CBC 1000L / 2500

Machine Equipment No predisposition required
Teeth 8
Fork spread minimum 266 mm

CBC 1500L / 2500

Machine Equipment No predisposition required
Teeth 8
Fork spread minimum 266 mm