Manitou Platform

Manitou Platform


  • Capacity 200 kg / 441 lb or 365 kg / 805 lb.
  • Slewing platform +/- 90° on both sides or fixed.
  • Legally approved for 3 people (platform capacity includes 3 people).
  • Overload (365 kg / 805 lb only) and presence sensor.
  • Painted platform.
  • Non-slip metal floor.
  • Fork sleeves: 238 mm x 100 mm.
  • E-Reco 2 - 52719658 : Version dedicated to North American & Australian/NZ markets

[The 3D picture at the top of this page is the reference NAC 2M - 788782].

  • Uncompromized safety in people lifting applications.
  • Simple and efficient platform.
  • Cost efficient solution for people lifting.
  • Safety: hand rail all around the platform.
  • Access from both sides for higher flexibility.
  • Fork sleeves for yard handling.
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Technical characteristics

NAC 2M NAC 1.2 x 0.8 M ORH PF 1200 / 200 2P PF 2000 / 365 3P PF 2000 / 365 PS 2000 / 365 3P
Capacity including people 365 kg 200 kg 365 kg 200 kg 365 kg 365 kg 365 kg
Number of people 3 2 3 2 3 3 3
Distance to center of gravity 700 mm 407 mm 1203 mm 407 mm 700 mm 646 mm 1203 mm


Capacity including people 365 kg
Number of people 3
Distance to center of gravity 700 mm

NAC 1.2 x 0.8 M

Capacity including people 200 kg
Number of people 2
Distance to center of gravity 407 mm


Capacity including people 365 kg
Number of people 3
Distance to center of gravity 1203 mm

PF 1200 / 200 2P

Capacity including people 200 kg
Number of people 2
Distance to center of gravity 407 mm

PF 2000 / 365 3P

Capacity including people 365 kg
Number of people 3
Distance to center of gravity 700 mm

PF 2000 / 365

Capacity including people 365 kg
Number of people 3
Distance to center of gravity 646 mm

PS 2000 / 365 3P

Capacity including people 365 kg
Number of people 3
Distance to center of gravity 1203 mm


NAC 2M NAC 1.2 x 0.8 M ORH PF 1200 / 200 2P PF 2000 / 365 3P PF 2000 / 365 PS 2000 / 365 3P
Overall weight 404 kg 165 kg 570 kg 165 kg 393 kg 409 kg 570 kg


Overall weight 404 kg

NAC 1.2 x 0.8 M

Overall weight 165 kg


Overall weight 570 kg

PF 1200 / 200 2P

Overall weight 165 kg

PF 2000 / 365 3P

Overall weight 393 kg

PF 2000 / 365

Overall weight 409 kg

PS 2000 / 365 3P

Overall weight 570 kg

Weight and dimensions

NAC 2M NAC 1.2 x 0.8 M ORH PF 1200 / 200 2P PF 2000 / 365 3P PF 2000 / 365 PS 2000 / 365 3P
Overall height 1292 mm 1240 mm 1292 mm 1240 mm 1631 mm 1631 mm 1319 mm
Overall length 1812 mm 1095 mm 2490 mm 1173 mm 1812 mm 1755 mm 2490 mm
Width 2190 mm 1391 mm 2130 mm 1391 mm 2190 mm 2190 mm 2190 mm
Depth 1150 mm 740 mm 1150 mm 740 mm 1150 mm 1150 mm 1150 mm


Overall height 1292 mm
Overall length 1812 mm
Width 2190 mm
Depth 1150 mm

NAC 1.2 x 0.8 M

Overall height 1240 mm
Overall length 1095 mm
Width 1391 mm
Depth 740 mm


Overall height 1292 mm
Overall length 2490 mm
Width 2130 mm
Depth 1150 mm

PF 1200 / 200 2P

Overall height 1240 mm
Overall length 1173 mm
Width 1391 mm
Depth 740 mm

PF 2000 / 365 3P

Overall height 1631 mm
Overall length 1812 mm
Width 2190 mm
Depth 1150 mm

PF 2000 / 365

Overall height 1631 mm
Overall length 1755 mm
Width 2190 mm
Depth 1150 mm

PS 2000 / 365 3P

Overall height 1319 mm
Overall length 2490 mm
Width 2190 mm
Depth 1150 mm

Working Parameters

NAC 2M NAC 1.2 x 0.8 M ORH PF 1200 / 200 2P PF 2000 / 365 3P PF 2000 / 365 PS 2000 / 365 3P
Machine Equipment Platform predisposition Platform predisposition Hydraulic line, Platform predisposition Platform predisposition Platform predisposition Platform predisposition Hydraulic line, Platform predisposition
Rotation 1 90 ° 90 °
Rotation 2 90 ° 90 °


Machine Equipment Platform predisposition

NAC 1.2 x 0.8 M

Machine Equipment Platform predisposition


Machine Equipment Hydraulic line, Platform predisposition
Rotation 1 90 °
Rotation 2 90 °

PF 1200 / 200 2P

Machine Equipment Platform predisposition

PF 2000 / 365 3P

Machine Equipment Platform predisposition

PF 2000 / 365

Machine Equipment Platform predisposition

PS 2000 / 365 3P

Machine Equipment Hydraulic line, Platform predisposition
Rotation 1 90 °
Rotation 2 90 °