OnFork Handling Solutions
Manitou Tilting Forks Carriage With Side Shift - Load Backrest (MLT - MT)

Manitou Tilting Forks Carriage With Side Shift - Load Backrest (MLT - MT)

On Fork Handling Solutions

  • Bolt-on load backrest for a higher load stability.
  • Note: to be used with FEM forks.
  • Tilting fork carriage with hydraulic side shift and load backrest for efficient high/bulky load placement.
  • Guarantees an accurate and efficient positioning of the handled palets.
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PBF 45N 1670 SS LB PFB 25N 1020 SS LB PFB 35N 1260 SS LB
Capacity 4500 kg 2500 kg 3500 kg

PBF 45N 1670 SS LB

Capacity 4500 kg

PFB 25N 1020 SS LB

Capacity 2500 kg

PFB 35N 1260 SS LB

Capacity 3500 kg


PBF 45N 1670 SS LB PFB 25N 1020 SS LB PFB 35N 1260 SS LB
Overall weight 595 kg 170 kg 210 kg

PBF 45N 1670 SS LB

Overall weight 595 kg

PFB 25N 1020 SS LB

Overall weight 170 kg

PFB 35N 1260 SS LB

Overall weight 210 kg

Weight and dimensions

PBF 45N 1670 SS LB PFB 25N 1020 SS LB PFB 35N 1260 SS LB
Overall height 1258 mm 1222 mm 1229 mm
Width 1810 mm 1044 mm 1284 mm

PBF 45N 1670 SS LB

Overall height 1258 mm
Width 1810 mm

PFB 25N 1020 SS LB

Overall height 1222 mm
Width 1044 mm

PFB 35N 1260 SS LB

Overall height 1229 mm
Width 1284 mm

Working Parameters

PBF 45N 1670 SS LB PFB 25N 1020 SS LB PFB 35N 1260 SS LB
Machine Equipment Hydraulic line Hydraulic line Hydraulic line
Side shift (mm) 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm

PBF 45N 1670 SS LB

Machine Equipment Hydraulic line
Side shift (mm) 100 mm

PFB 25N 1020 SS LB

Machine Equipment Hydraulic line
Side shift (mm) 100 mm

PFB 35N 1260 SS LB

Machine Equipment Hydraulic line
Side shift (mm) 100 mm