Manitou Agricultural Multifunction Grab Bucket - WE

Manitou Agricultural Multifunction Grab Bucket - WE


  • Welded teeth -WE.
  • Handling materials with a density ≤ 1000 kg/m³ / 62 lb/ft³.
  • Dismountable sides, spill guard and 500 HB bolt-on cutting edge standard.
  • Reinforced construction (base, blade and grab).
  • Nitritized cylinders, all pins with "construction type" mounting.

[The 3D picture at the top of this page is the reference BG 1850 / 1050 DA WE - 52647326].

  • Robust and versatile bucket suitable for diary use and different AG applications.
  • Complete opening>90° and powerful jaw allows working flush with walls.
  • Perfect for handling wet manure, silage…. 
  • Must-have tool for livestock farm.
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Technical characteristics

BG 1500 / 600 WE BG 1500 / 850 WE BG 1850 / 1050 DA WE BG 2100 / 1200 WE BG 2300 / 1350 WE BG 2450 / 1400 WE BG 2450 / 1700 WE
Distance to center of gravity 357 mm 440 mm 450 mm 412 mm 413 mm 418 mm 1021 mm

BG 1500 / 600 WE

Distance to center of gravity 357 mm

BG 1500 / 850 WE

Distance to center of gravity 440 mm

BG 1850 / 1050 DA WE

Distance to center of gravity 450 mm

BG 2100 / 1200 WE

Distance to center of gravity 412 mm

BG 2300 / 1350 WE

Distance to center of gravity 413 mm

BG 2450 / 1400 WE

Distance to center of gravity 418 mm

BG 2450 / 1700 WE

Distance to center of gravity 1021 mm


BG 1500 / 600 WE BG 1500 / 850 WE BG 1850 / 1050 DA WE BG 2100 / 1200 WE BG 2300 / 1350 WE BG 2450 / 1400 WE BG 2450 / 1700 WE
Capacity 550 kg 850 kg 1059 kg 1200 kg 1335 kg 1426 kg 1695 kg
Heaped capacity 550 l 850 l 1059 l 1200 l 1335 l 1426 l 1695 l
Struck capacity 340 l 521 l 650 l 740 l 813 l 868 l 1150 l

BG 1500 / 600 WE

Capacity 550 kg
Heaped capacity 550 l
Struck capacity 340 l

BG 1500 / 850 WE

Capacity 850 kg
Heaped capacity 850 l
Struck capacity 521 l

BG 1850 / 1050 DA WE

Capacity 1059 kg
Heaped capacity 1059 l
Struck capacity 650 l

BG 2100 / 1200 WE

Capacity 1200 kg
Heaped capacity 1200 l
Struck capacity 740 l

BG 2300 / 1350 WE

Capacity 1335 kg
Heaped capacity 1335 l
Struck capacity 813 l

BG 2450 / 1400 WE

Capacity 1426 kg
Heaped capacity 1426 l
Struck capacity 868 l

BG 2450 / 1700 WE

Capacity 1695 kg
Heaped capacity 1695 l
Struck capacity 1150 l


BG 1500 / 600 WE BG 1500 / 850 WE BG 1850 / 1050 DA WE BG 2100 / 1200 WE BG 2300 / 1350 WE BG 2450 / 1400 WE BG 2450 / 1700 WE
Overall weight 382 kg 580 kg 696 kg 745 kg 785 kg 813 kg 895 kg

BG 1500 / 600 WE

Overall weight 382 kg

BG 1500 / 850 WE

Overall weight 580 kg

BG 1850 / 1050 DA WE

Overall weight 696 kg

BG 2100 / 1200 WE

Overall weight 745 kg

BG 2300 / 1350 WE

Overall weight 785 kg

BG 2450 / 1400 WE

Overall weight 813 kg

BG 2450 / 1700 WE

Overall weight 895 kg

Weight and dimensions

BG 1500 / 600 WE BG 1500 / 850 WE BG 1850 / 1050 DA WE BG 2100 / 1200 WE BG 2300 / 1350 WE BG 2450 / 1400 WE BG 2450 / 1700 WE
Overall length 1142 mm 1263 mm 1288 mm 1280 mm 1280 mm 1280 mm 1377 mm
Width 1500 mm 1500 mm 1850 mm 2100 mm 2300 mm 2450 mm 2450 mm
Closed grapple height 798 mm 1039 mm 1033 mm 1032 mm 1031 mm 1033 mm 1124 mm
Opened grapple height 1450 mm 1777 mm 1776 mm 1776 mm 1776 mm 1776 mm 1979 mm

BG 1500 / 600 WE

Overall length 1142 mm
Width 1500 mm
Closed grapple height 798 mm
Opened grapple height 1450 mm

BG 1500 / 850 WE

Overall length 1263 mm
Width 1500 mm
Closed grapple height 1039 mm
Opened grapple height 1777 mm

BG 1850 / 1050 DA WE

Overall length 1288 mm
Width 1850 mm
Closed grapple height 1033 mm
Opened grapple height 1776 mm

BG 2100 / 1200 WE

Overall length 1280 mm
Width 2100 mm
Closed grapple height 1032 mm
Opened grapple height 1776 mm

BG 2300 / 1350 WE

Overall length 1280 mm
Width 2300 mm
Closed grapple height 1031 mm
Opened grapple height 1776 mm

BG 2450 / 1400 WE

Overall length 1280 mm
Width 2450 mm
Closed grapple height 1033 mm
Opened grapple height 1776 mm

BG 2450 / 1700 WE

Overall length 1377 mm
Width 2450 mm
Closed grapple height 1124 mm
Opened grapple height 1979 mm

Working Parameters

BG 1500 / 600 WE BG 1500 / 850 WE BG 1850 / 1050 DA WE BG 2100 / 1200 WE BG 2300 / 1350 WE BG 2450 / 1400 WE BG 2450 / 1700 WE
Machine Equipment Hydraulic line Hydraulic line Hydraulic line Hydraulic line Hydraulic line Hydraulic line Hydraulic line
Teeth 6 6 7 8 8 8 9
Fork spread minimum 278 mm 280 mm 285 mm 280 mm 309 mm 330 mm 289 mm
Fork spread maximum 280 mm 280 mm 285 mm 280 mm 309 mm 330 mm 289 mm

BG 1500 / 600 WE

Machine Equipment Hydraulic line
Teeth 6
Fork spread minimum 278 mm
Fork spread maximum 280 mm

BG 1500 / 850 WE

Machine Equipment Hydraulic line
Teeth 6
Fork spread minimum 280 mm
Fork spread maximum 280 mm

BG 1850 / 1050 DA WE

Machine Equipment Hydraulic line
Teeth 7
Fork spread minimum 285 mm
Fork spread maximum 285 mm

BG 2100 / 1200 WE

Machine Equipment Hydraulic line
Teeth 8
Fork spread minimum 280 mm
Fork spread maximum 280 mm

BG 2300 / 1350 WE

Machine Equipment Hydraulic line
Teeth 8
Fork spread minimum 309 mm
Fork spread maximum 309 mm

BG 2450 / 1400 WE

Machine Equipment Hydraulic line
Teeth 8
Fork spread minimum 330 mm
Fork spread maximum 330 mm

BG 2450 / 1700 WE

Machine Equipment Hydraulic line
Teeth 9
Fork spread minimum 289 mm
Fork spread maximum 289 mm

Other Data for Attachments

BG 1500 / 600 WE BG 1500 / 850 WE BG 1850 / 1050 DA WE BG 2100 / 1200 WE BG 2300 / 1350 WE BG 2450 / 1400 WE BG 2450 / 1700 WE
Bolted wearplate (LDR) Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
Wear plate hardness 500 500 500 500 500 500 500

BG 1500 / 600 WE

Bolted wearplate (LDR) Standard
Wear plate hardness 500

BG 1500 / 850 WE

Bolted wearplate (LDR) Standard
Wear plate hardness 500

BG 1850 / 1050 DA WE

Bolted wearplate (LDR) Standard
Wear plate hardness 500

BG 2100 / 1200 WE

Bolted wearplate (LDR) Standard
Wear plate hardness 500

BG 2300 / 1350 WE

Bolted wearplate (LDR) Standard
Wear plate hardness 500

BG 2450 / 1400 WE

Bolted wearplate (LDR) Standard
Wear plate hardness 500

BG 2450 / 1700 WE

Bolted wearplate (LDR) Standard
Wear plate hardness 500