OnFork Handling Solutions
Manitou Floating Fork Carriage With Side Shift (MT)

Manitou Floating Fork Carriage With Side Shift (MT)

On Fork Handling Solutions

  • Hydraulic line required to allow fork movement form the cab.
  • Pin type forks.
  • Bolt-on load backrest for a better longevity.

[The 3D picture at the top of this page is the reference TFF 35 DL 1040 - 751543].

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TFF 29 DL 1040 TFF 35 DL 1040 TFF 35 DL 1300 TFF 45 DL 1040 TFF 45 DL 1300
Capacity 2900 kg 3500 kg 3500 kg 4500 kg 4500 kg

TFF 29 DL 1040

Capacity 2900 kg

TFF 35 DL 1040

Capacity 3500 kg

TFF 35 DL 1300

Capacity 3500 kg

TFF 45 DL 1040

Capacity 4500 kg

TFF 45 DL 1300

Capacity 4500 kg

Weight and dimensions

TFF 29 DL 1040 TFF 35 DL 1040 TFF 35 DL 1300 TFF 45 DL 1040 TFF 45 DL 1300
Width 1040 mm 1040 mm 1300 mm 1040 mm 1300 mm

TFF 29 DL 1040

Width 1040 mm

TFF 35 DL 1040

Width 1040 mm

TFF 35 DL 1300

Width 1300 mm

TFF 45 DL 1040

Width 1040 mm

TFF 45 DL 1300

Width 1300 mm

Working Parameters

TFF 29 DL 1040 TFF 35 DL 1040 TFF 35 DL 1300 TFF 45 DL 1040 TFF 45 DL 1300
Machine Equipment Hydraulic line Hydraulic line Hydraulic line Hydraulic line Hydraulic line

TFF 29 DL 1040

Machine Equipment Hydraulic line

TFF 35 DL 1040

Machine Equipment Hydraulic line

TFF 35 DL 1300

Machine Equipment Hydraulic line

TFF 45 DL 1040

Machine Equipment Hydraulic line

TFF 45 DL 1300

Machine Equipment Hydraulic line