Our range of ME LIFT forklifts

Welcome to the new era of materials handling! Responding to today's demands for flexibility and efficiency, the ME LIFT range introduces a major innovation to the world of materials handling: Lithium-ion batteries. This advanced technology ensures superior performance, minimal maintenance and exceptional adaptability to a wide range of industrial environments. Discover the benefits of this revolutionary range, which can transform your daily operations.

Optimized performance and flexibility
The ME LIFT range offers outstanding performance thanks to the integration of Lithium-ion technology, known for its ability to recharge quickly and withstand partial without affecting longevity. These features enable intensive use during without compromising energy efficiency. The models in this range are specially designed for a variety of applications, from small handling operations to intensive industrial use, offering unprecedented versatility. What's more, the ability of these trucks to operate both indoors and outdoors with the same efficiency enables a smooth transition between different working environments. The ME LIFT range will give you the flexibility you need, and boost the productivity of your business.
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Durabilité et maintenance simplifiée


La série ME LIFT se distingue par sa durabilité et sa facilité d'entretien, réduisant significativement les coûts opérationnels sur le long terme. Les batteries Lithium-ion ne nécessitent pas l'entretien régulier requis par les batteries au plomb, tel que le contrôle des niveaux d'électrolyte ou l'équilibrage des cellules. De plus, la robustesse de ces batteries assure une durée de vie prolongée, offrant jusqu'à trois fois la longévité des batteries traditionnelles. Cette fiabilité est complétée par une garantie de cinq ans, alignée sur le cycle de vie de la machine. Les chariots de cette gamme sont également conçus avec des matériaux de haute qualité qui résistent aux conditions difficiles, ce qui garantit leur fiabilité et leur performance constante.

Greater safety and comfort
The introduction of Lithium-ion batteries also further enhances the safety and comfort comfort of forklift truck operation. As these batteries are more chemically stable batteries are less likely to off-gas or overheat, making for a much safer working environment. safer working environment. Operator comfort is enhanced by a significant reduction in vibration and noise. Improved height and 360° visibility thanks to innovations in mast and cab design and a panoramic view thanks to the large roof window. In addition to these advantages, ME LIFT forklifts feature advanced ergonomics with intuitive controls and easy access, reducing operator fatigue and boosting productivity. productivity. Manitou's ME LIFT range is an invitation to modernize your materials handling fleet for maximum efficiency and durability. These forklifts, equipped with the latest Lithium-ion battery technology, are ready to meet tomorrow's logistics challenges challenges of tomorrow, while offering a significant reduction in operating costs. To explore how the ME LIFT range can improve your productivity, contact your Manitou Manitou dealer today.